Join us for the InComEss Final Workhop!

Are you a professional,  a student or simply intrigued by smart materials and innovative energy harvesting solutions?

Then join us at the InComEss Final Workshop!

All about the workshop at a glance

The InComEss consortium invites you to experience the online InComEss Final Workshop on January 31, 2024. This event promises to provide unique insight into cutting-edge scientific achievements in the development and demonstration of energy-harvesting systems for wireless data monitoring and IoT implementation.

Hear the latest news from leading researchers.

Learn from top industry experts in the field.

Exchange knowledge and ideas during dedicated Q&A sessions.

Participation in the InComEss Final Workshop is open to all. Affiliation with the InComEss Project is not required.

Admission is free, but registration is mandatory!

Key –topics

  • Overview of the InComEss research vision and mission.

  • Scientific innovations in lead-free piezoelectric and polymer-based thermoelectric materials, monolithic supercapacitors, and wireless sensors nodes for IoT.

  • Key results on the validation of the piezoelectric and thermoelectric energy harvesters in the aeronautic, automotive, and building use-cases.

  • Recyclability of the InComEss generators

  • Contribution to future standardization and business cases for energy harvesting systems and wireless sensors.

  • Presentations from the FAST-SMART, SYMPHONY and START research projects that shape the ERHASE Cluster presenting their scientific developments and achievements.

Core Innovation